Labour Councillors Claim Abandoned Cars Are "Priority"

In this week’s Hackney Gazette, Labour councillors from Stoke Newington have gone on record as claiming that abandoned cars are a priority for them. Might there be just a touch of political opportunism about this statement with the Council Elections so close and Labour desperate to cling onto power in the council chambers? We think so. Surley Labour councillors who are already in power should be dealing with problems like this day in day out, not just at election times?

IWCA (Hackney Independent) spokesperson Peter Sutton, who is standing as a candidate in Haggerston ward, said today “It’s laughable that Labour councillors should claim this as a priority when they have done nothing about the problem since they’ve been in power. As anyone who knows what life is like on Hackney’s estates could tell them, the problem of dumped cars has got steadily worse ever since the Council started charging for their removal. The IWCA (Hackney Independent) has been active on the issue of dumped cars since September of last year, reporting them regularly to the council and posting details up on our website to shame the council into acting. We only ever see our Labour councillors when they’re scrounging for votes at elections, but the IWCA (Hackney Independent) – whether we win or lose at these elections – will be here all year round acting on the issues that local people tell us are their priorities”.